Monday, May 13, 2019

“It Seemed To Be Aware That We Were There.” Female Nimitz Pilot Appears on Unidentified

The female pilot from the Nimitz encounters, who was at first labeled no more than a theory or rumor, appeared during the latest trailer of To the Stars Academy’s History Channel show Unidentified. Speaking about the Tic Tac UFO she said, “It seemed to be aware that we were there.” Startling. It looks like she will be appearing anonymously during the program and I respect her wishes to do so. This pilot was wrapped up in what is now referred to as the “Chris Mellon leak.” “Twitter User Jay” had come across Chris Mellon’s website, tweeted the link and tagged yours truly last year. The first thing I saw on the website was the elusive Luis Elizondo resignation letter. I was out and about but scrambled to update my own UFO news website I was with at the time, via my cell phone, with Elizondo’s resignation that we had been hearing about for months prior. Even the original New York Times article referenced it. It came directly from Chris Mellon’s website so I thought everything was on the up and up. It all happened so fast. I hadn’t realized that an unredacted Nimitz investigation was also included on Chris Mellon’s website, as well as an informative but sensitive AATIP powerpoint referencing other matters. After the post was published, and swept across the UFO community causing a lot of attention, I realized what happened and took down the link.  Chris Mellon’s website, which was supposed to be password protected and for whatever reason hadn’t been that day, was then locked and subsequently deleted promptly, but it was too late. The identities of the pilots including names and phone numbers were already out in the public realm. To this day I don’t know how much trouble it caused them. I only can hope minimal damage was done. George Knapp commented – he was impressed that after we realized the website had personal information, most people who had it, pulled it down. The often volatile UFO community had succeeded in stepping up and being classy for once, policing its own rather than spreading personal information and eating its young as it normally does. 
I’m happy to see the female pilot now coming forward on Unidentified, not only as a strong (and somewhat rare) female role model in military aviation and especially in the UFO community, but because her account of the events is extremely important. Alejandro Rojas and UFO Joe talked about the importance of the female pilot, just weeks agoIt’s great to see TTSA being able to dig up more Nimitz witnesses. This new pilot, along with Sean Cahill will mark at least two new Nimitz personalities when Unidentified airs. Dave Beaty has also done an amazing job getting in touch with multiple witnesses, including Kevin Day (also featured on the Unidentified show) and cataloging their accounts. His newly updated version of the Nimitz Encounters film should be released later this month. Unidentified is currently on the minds of everyone in the UFO community and probably many other people in the government plus academic, scientific and aerospace fields among others. As I intimated to Alejandro Rojas myself, a lot is riding on this show, not just for TTSA, but for all of the supporters of the initiative as well. And we are confident it will deliver. When the N.Y. Times article changed the world in late 2017 it mobilized many of us, myself included, to get involved. Unidentified will be airing after the sometimes controversial Ancient Aliens program, but that means it will have a chance to pull in that show’s millions of viewers. If the Times story got us all involved, I only can hope a new wave of interest will explode when Unidentified airs.

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